Perfect Time, Perfect Place, Perfect Action, Always
Michael Clebert Willis, 2011.
Many years ago I was blessed with two spiritual teachers, the Willis Brothers, Milton and Michael. Michael Willis shared with me the concept, “Perfect place, Perfect time, Perfect action, Always!” In this context, Perfect means: where, when and what is happening is exactly what it needs to be. It takes away judgement and desire to control. Later I added my own spin; “Perfect you, Perfect me”.
For me, these words go to a cellular level. I find myself at times wondering why the circumstances are Perfect. I will go to sleep (or into a meditation) asking this question, and often wake with an answer. My life has become less stressful in understanding and having FAITH that God/Universe gives me Perfect Always. My two Gurus have taught me so much in the past 10 years. So Perfect!
Cracked Japanese Pottery Bowl filled with Gold. Example of Wabi Sabi.
wabi sabi
An amazing artist, Kate Fetterolf, introduced me to the concept of Wabi Sabi. The definition that resonates most with me, as it applies to art and life, is “The Perfection within Imperfection”. All Perfect!
The traditional Japanese pottery bowl, cracked down the middle and bonded back together, perfectly embodies Wabi Sabi. The gold used for the repair may be seen to create a more beautiful and exciting work of art. Wabi Sabi at its core!
Wabi Sabi is, for me, the playful balance of Perfect. The reason something is Perfect is not always apparent. Sometimes FAITH is required!.
energetic first step/CO-CREATION
Original Portal Back to Bali.
Meet the first edition, “Portal Back to Bali”! Painted in the middle of 2014, this remains one of the most important paintings in my journey. During a time just after my first trip to Bali, I found myself staring at a blank canvas until this finally came through. Quickly I realized this was a Portal back to Bali, and I would always be connected.
From there I began to create many Portals to different places. They weren’t to specific locations, rather to energetic concepts. Sometimes I understood right away what the Portal was representing, and other times I’d need to wait for the image to speak to me. One day while painting, I was struck by the thought that Portals represent Energetic First Steps. After that I began inviting others to CO-CREATE Portals that speak to their journeys and allow them to take their own first steps. See: Co-Creations under the Portals tab in the Menu.
Portals are filled with Intention.
Putting energy into art and life is a subject that fascinates me. When cooking and eating I put LOVe into the food, it’s one of the key ingredients! When painting, I intentionally put my LOVe into my work.
Recently I have been studying Deep Work, Energy and Quantum Physics, Rapt attention and focus which all lead to looking at Intention as a ritual/ceremony.
When Co-Creating, I help people to take their Energetic First Step, helping to move them out of wherever they are and into forward motion. I hold space (let go of judgment, open my heart, allow another to have whatever experience they're having, be fully present) for the deep work needed to create the Portal. Several steps make up the ceremony: frequency, writing out the intention on the canvas, incorporating crystals into the back of the canvas, and creating space for growth. It is truly a Co-creation!